Polly Y. Yu

Office:   31 Computing Applications Building (map)

Mailing Address:
Department of Mathematics
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
273 Altgeld Hall, M/C 382
1409 W Green St, Urbana, IL 61801

pollyyu [at] illinois [·] edu


I am an assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Before that, I was an Independent Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard's NSF-Simons QBio centre. I received my PhD at the University of Wisconsin-Madison under the supervision of Gheorghe Craciun.

I am interested in finding generalizable principles in biology, with emphasis on the interplay between network structure and system dynamics.

More precisely, I focus on identifying graph-theoretic properties relevant to the dynamics of biochemical and ecological models. The majority these complex systems, despite coming from vastly different contexts, can be encapsulated under the framework of interaction network models. Since the dynamics is dictated by the interaction network, we can ask what is it about the network that is related to the dynamics of the system.


  1. Polly Y. Yu. Global stability of perturbed complex-balanced systems. arXiv:2210.13633.
    [ arXiv | pdf ]
  2. Diego Rojas La Luz, Gheorghe Craciun, Polly Y. Yu. Generalized Lotka-Volterra Systems and Complex Balanced Polyexponential Systems. arXiv:2412.13367.
    [ arXiv | pdf ]
  3. Oskar Henriksson, Carlos Améndola, Jose Israel Rodriguez, Polly Y. Yu. Maximum likelihood estimation of log-affine models using detailed-balanced reaction networks. arXiv:2411.07986.
    [ arXiv | pdf | Github ]
  4. Xingchi Yan, Polly Y. Yu, Arvind Srinivasan, Sohaib Abdul Rehman, Maxim B. Prigozhin. Identifying Intermolecular Interactions in Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.05.10.593617.
    [ bioRxiv | pdf | Supplemental Info ]
  5. Polly Y. Yu, Eduardo D. Sontag. A necessary condition for non-monotonic dose response, with an application to a kinetic proofreading model. In 2024 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Accepted 2024. Appendix in arXiv:2403.13862.
    [ arXiv | doi | pdf (with appendix) ]
  6. Gheorghe Craciun, Jiaxin Jin, Polly Y. Yu. An algorithm for finding weakly reversible deficiency zero realizations of polynomial dynamical systems. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 83(4), pp. 1717-1737, 2023.
    [ arXiv | doi | pdf ]
  7. Sabina J. Haque, Matthew Satriano, Miruna-Ștefana Sorea, Polly Y. Yu. The disguised toric locus and affine equivalence of reaction networks. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 22(2), pp. 1423-1444, 2023
    [ arXiv | doi | pdf ]
  8. Benjamin Nordick, Polly Y. Yu, Guangyuan Liao, Tian Hong. Nonmodular oscillator and switch based on RNA decay drive regeneration of multimodal gene expression. Nucleic Acid Research, 50(7), pp. 3693-3708, 2022.
    [ bioRxiv | doi | pdf | Supplemental Info ]
  9. Polly Y. Yu, Gheorghe Craciun, Maya Mincheva, Casian Pantea. A graph-theoretic condition for delay stability of reaction systems. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 21(2), pp. 1092-1118, 2022.
    [ arXiv* | doi | pdf ]
  10. Gheorghe Craciun, Abhishek Deshpande, Badal Joshi, Polly Y. Yu. Autocatalytic recombination systems: A reaction network perspective. Mathematical Biosciences, 345, 108784, 2022.
    [ arXiv* | doi | pdf ]
  11. Gheorghe Craciun, Jiaxin Jin, Polly Y. Yu. Single-target networks. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, 27(2), pp. 799-819, 2022.
    [ arXiv | doi | pdf ]
  12. Gheorghe Craciun, Jiaxin Jin, Polly Y. Yu. Uniqueness of weakly reversible and deficiency zero realizations of dynamical systems. Mathematical Biosciences, 342, 108720, 2021.
    [ arXiv | doi | pdf ]
  13. Balázs Boros, Gheorghe Craciun, Polly Y. Yu. Weakly reversible mass-action systems with infinitely many positive steady states. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80(4), pp. 1936-1946, 2020.
    [ arXiv | doi | pdf ]
  14. Gheorghe Craciun, Maya Mincheva, Casian Pantea, Polly Y. Yu. Delay stability of reaction systems. Mathematical Biosciences, 326, 108387, 2020.
    [ arXiv | doi | pdf ]
  15. Gheorghe Craciun, Jiaxin Jin, Polly Y. Yu. An efficient characterization of complex-balanced, detailed-balanced, and weakly reversible systems. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80(1), pp. 183-205, 2020.
    [ arXiv | doi | pdf ]
  16. Gheorghe Craciun, Matthew D. Johnston, Gábor Szederkényi, Elisa Tonello, János Tóth, Polly Y. Yu. Realizations of kinetic differential equations. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17(1), pp. 862-892, 2020.
    [ arXiv* | doi | pdf ]
  17. Gheorghe Craciun, Stefan Müller, Casian Pantea, Polly Y. Yu. A generalization of Birch's theorem and vertex-balanced steady states for generalized mass-action systems. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 16(6), pp. 8243-8267, 2019.
    [ arXiv | doi | pdf ]
  18. Polly Y. Yu, Gheorghe Craciun. Mathematical analysis of chemical reaction systems. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 58(6-7), pp. 733-741, 2018.
    [ arXiv | doi | pdf ]

PhD thesis:   Algebra and Dynamics of Reaction Network Models


Spring 2025 Math 416: Abstract Linear Algebra (Canvas site)


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